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Halyard Sterila Renrumshandskar

PUREZERO* sterila renrumshandskar av nitril är designade för att skydda arbetare mot kemikaliestänk, mikroorganismer och kontaminering samt för att skydda produkter och processer. Eftersom du är ansvarig för att hantera riskerna i ditt renrum är det viktigt att välja rätt renrumshandskar. Dina sterila renrumshandskar är viktiga: de skyddar användare såväl som dina produkter och processer. Dessutom behöver du pålitliga leveranser för att undvika driftstörningar. Det är därför HALYARD* skapade PUREZERO* renrumshandskar. Dessa renrumshandskar är speciellt utformade för att uppfylla de stränga krav som finns i kontrollerade miljöer. Som namnet antyder är PUREZERO* sterila renrumshandskar designade för att möta standarder, för att hjälpa dig med användarkomfort och skydd, hantera produktkontamination och hantera leveranskedjan. De sterila renrumshandskarna är bekväma att bära, vilket gör att användarna kan fokusera på sina viktiga uppgifter snarare än på sina sterila renrumshandskar. HALYARD* har tillverkat ledande renrumshandskar under eget varumärke i mer än 20 år. Med egna tillverkningsanläggningar, kontroll över leveranskedjan och med lager i Europa, säkerställer HALYARD* pålitliga leveraner av PUREZERO* sterila renrumshandskar – och undviker på så sätt driftsstörningar. PUREZERO* sterila renrumshandskar är acceleratorfria och tillverkade av nitrilpolymer, som kraftigt minskar risken för allergier och hudirritation samtidigt som de sterila renrumshandskarna är extremt starka och flexibla. PUREZERO* -sortimentet inkluderar tre icke-sterila och två sterila renrumshandskar i nitril för att tillgodose behoven hos läkemedels-, medicintekniska-, mikroelektronik- och halvledartillverkningsindustrin.

Specifikationer för HALYARD* PUREZERO* renrumshandskar
• Rekommenderas för ISO klass 4/5/6/7 och klass A/B/C/D + aseptiska renrum eller rena zoner • Låga nivåer av partikelavsläpp, max 950 ≥ 0,5μm/cm2 för vita handskar, max 1200 ≥ 0,5μm/cm2 för blåa handskar • Sterility Assurance Levels (SAL) på 10-6 och en endotoxinnivå på 20 enheter/par maximalt • AQL på 1 för pinholes • Trippelförpackade • Tillverkas utan dessa vanligt förekommande kemikalier: Svavel, tiuramer, tiaxoler, guanidiner och karbamater • PUREZERO* Renrumshandskar är PPE kategori III-certifierade enligt förordning (EU) 2016/425 EEC.

Antal artiklar 16
PUREZERO Sterile White Gloves size 10

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile White Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves are designed for critical cleanroom environments such as pharmaceutical and biotechnology cleanroom manufacturing as well as sterile compounding cleanroom applications.

These gloves are clean processed (washed repeatedly in deionized water) to ensure consistent control of low particles, extractables and endotoxin levels, and are recommended for use in ISO Class 3 or higher cleanroom environments.  They are individually pair packaged for aseptic donning (poly wallet and pouch) and have triple layer cleanroom compatible packaging (poly pouch, inner bag and case liner).

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile White Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves have a hand specific shape, 6-mil fingertip thickness and 30.5 cm (12-inch) length with a smooth finish, beaded cuff and textured fingertips and palms. With gamma irradiation to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 they are suitable for aseptic cleanroom applications. Because PUREZERO* HG3 sterile cleanroom gloves are made with an accelerator free nitrile polymer, they are an excellent alternative for workers with latex allergies.

- Recommended for use in ISO Class 3 Cleanrooms or higher
- Maximum Particles > 0.5um/cm^2 less than 950
- AQL 0.65 for pinholes
- Accelerator, Silicone, Latex and Powder Free
- Hand Specific, 30.5 cm (12") Length with Beaded Cuff
- Fingertip Thickness: 0.16 mm / 6 mil and Palm Thickness: 0.13mm / 5 mil
- Max Endotoxin Level less than 20 EU
- Sterility Assurance Level 10-6
- 200 PUREZERO* HG3 SterileWhite Nitrile Hand Specific Pairs/Case (2 gloves/poly wallet & pouch x 20 sealed pouches/bag x 10 bags); Packaged in an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom
- Certificate of Analysis (COA) and Certificate of Irradiation (COI) by production lot available

PUREZERO Sterile White Gloves size 6

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile White Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves are designed for critical cleanroom environments such as pharmaceutical and biotechnology cleanroom manufacturing as well as sterile compounding cleanroom applications.

These gloves are clean processed (washed repeatedly in deionized water) to ensure consistent control of low particles, extractables and endotoxin levels, and are recommended for use in ISO Class 3 or higher cleanroom environments.  They are individually pair packaged for aseptic donning (poly wallet and pouch) and have triple layer cleanroom compatible packaging (poly pouch, inner bag and case liner).

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile White Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves have a hand specific shape, 6-mil fingertip thickness and 30.5 cm (12-inch) length with a smooth finish, beaded cuff and textured fingertips and palms. With gamma irradiation to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 they are suitable for aseptic cleanroom applications. Because PUREZERO* HG3 sterile cleanroom gloves are made with an accelerator free nitrile polymer, they are an excellent alternative for workers with latex allergies.

- Recommended for use in ISO Class 3 Cleanrooms or higher

- Maximum Particles > 0.5um/cm^2 less than 950

- AQL 0.65 for pinholes

- Accelerator, Silicone, Latex and Powder Free

- Hand Specific, 30.5 cm (12") Length with Beaded Cuff

- Fingertip Thickness: 0.16 mm / 6 mil and Palm Thickness: 0.13mm / 5 mil

- Max Endotoxin Level less than 20 EU

- Sterility Assurance Level 10-6

- 200 PUREZERO* HG3 SterileWhite Nitrile Hand Specific Pairs/Case (2 gloves/poly wallet & pouch x 20 sealed pouches/bag x 10 bags); Packaged in an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom

- Certificate of Analysis (COA) and Certificate of Irradiation (COI) by production lot available

PUREZERO Sterile White Gloves size 6.5

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile White Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves are designed for critical cleanroom environments such as pharmaceutical and biotechnology cleanroom manufacturing as well as sterile compounding cleanroom applications.

These gloves are clean processed (washed repeatedly in deionized water) to ensure consistent control of low particles, extractables and endotoxin levels, and are recommended for use in ISO Class 3 or higher cleanroom environments.  They are individually pair packaged for aseptic donning (poly wallet and pouch) and have triple layer cleanroom compatible packaging (poly pouch, inner bag and case liner).

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile White Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves have a hand specific shape, 6-mil fingertip thickness and 30.5 cm (12-inch) length with a smooth finish, beaded cuff and textured fingertips and palms. With gamma irradiation to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 they are suitable for aseptic cleanroom applications. Because PUREZERO* HG3 sterile cleanroom gloves are made with an accelerator free nitrile polymer, they are an excellent alternative for workers with latex allergies.

- Recommended for use in ISO Class 3 Cleanrooms or higher

- Maximum Particles > 0.5um/cm^2 less than 950

- AQL 0.65 for pinholes

- Accelerator, Silicone, Latex and Powder Free

- Hand Specific, 30.5 cm (12") Length with Beaded Cuff

- Fingertip Thickness: 0.16 mm / 6 mil and Palm Thickness: 0.13mm / 5 mil

- Max Endotoxin Level less than 20 EU

- Sterility Assurance Level 10-6

- 200 PUREZERO* HG3 SterileWhite Nitrile Hand Specific Pairs/Case (2 gloves/poly wallet & pouch x 20 sealed pouches/bag x 10 bags); Packaged in an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom

- Certificate of Analysis (COA) and Certificate of Irradiation (COI) by production lot available

PUREZERO Sterile White Gloves size 7

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile White Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves are designed for critical cleanroom environments such as pharmaceutical and biotechnology cleanroom manufacturing as well as sterile compounding cleanroom applications.

These gloves are clean processed (washed repeatedly in deionized water) to ensure consistent control of low particles, extractables and endotoxin levels, and are recommended for use in ISO Class 3 or higher cleanroom environments.  They are individually pair packaged for aseptic donning (poly wallet and pouch) and have triple layer cleanroom compatible packaging (poly pouch, inner bag and case liner).

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile White Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves have a hand specific shape, 6-mil fingertip thickness and 30.5 cm (12-inch) length with a smooth finish, beaded cuff and textured fingertips and palms. With gamma irradiation to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 they are suitable for aseptic cleanroom applications. Because PUREZERO* HG3 sterile cleanroom gloves are made with an accelerator free nitrile polymer, they are an excellent alternative for workers with latex allergies.

- Recommended for use in ISO Class 3 Cleanrooms or higher

- Maximum Particles > 0.5um/cm^2 less than 950

- AQL 0.65 for pinholes

- Accelerator, Silicone, Latex and Powder Free

- Hand Specific, 30.5 cm (12") Length with Beaded Cuff

- Fingertip Thickness: 0.16 mm / 6 mil and Palm Thickness: 0.13mm / 5 mil

- Max Endotoxin Level less than 20 EU

- Sterility Assurance Level 10-6

- 200 PUREZERO* HG3 SterileWhite Nitrile Hand Specific Pairs/Case (2 gloves/poly wallet & pouch x 20 sealed pouches/bag x 10 bags); Packaged in an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom

- Certificate of Analysis (COA) and Certificate of Irradiation (COI) by production lot available

PUREZERO Sterile White Gloves size 7.5

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile White Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves are designed for critical cleanroom environments such as pharmaceutical and biotechnology cleanroom manufacturing as well as sterile compounding cleanroom applications.

These gloves are clean processed (washed repeatedly in deionized water) to ensure consistent control of low particles, extractables and endotoxin levels, and are recommended for use in ISO Class 3 or higher cleanroom environments.  They are individually pair packaged for aseptic donning (poly wallet and pouch) and have triple layer cleanroom compatible packaging (poly pouch, inner bag and case liner).

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile White Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves have a hand specific shape, 6-mil fingertip thickness and 30.5 cm (12-inch) length with a smooth finish, beaded cuff and textured fingertips and palms. With gamma irradiation to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 they are suitable for aseptic cleanroom applications. Because PUREZERO* HG3 sterile cleanroom gloves are made with an accelerator free nitrile polymer, they are an excellent alternative for workers with latex allergies.

- Recommended for use in ISO Class 3 Cleanrooms or higher

- Maximum Particles > 0.5um/cm^2 less than 950

- AQL 0.65 for pinholes

- Accelerator, Silicone, Latex and Powder Free

- Hand Specific, 30.5 cm (12") Length with Beaded Cuff

- Fingertip Thickness: 0.16 mm / 6 mil and Palm Thickness: 0.13mm / 5 mil

- Max Endotoxin Level less than 20 EU

- Sterility Assurance Level 10-6

- 200 PUREZERO* HG3 SterileWhite Nitrile Hand Specific Pairs/Case (2 gloves/poly wallet & pouch x 20 sealed pouches/bag x 10 bags); Packaged in an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom

- Certificate of Analysis (COA) and Certificate of Irradiation (COI) by production lot available

PUREZERO Sterile White Gloves size 8

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile White Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves are designed for critical cleanroom environments such as pharmaceutical and biotechnology cleanroom manufacturing as well as sterile compounding cleanroom applications.

These gloves are clean processed (washed repeatedly in deionized water) to ensure consistent control of low particles, extractables and endotoxin levels, and are recommended for use in ISO Class 3 or higher cleanroom environments.  They are individually pair packaged for aseptic donning (poly wallet and pouch) and have triple layer cleanroom compatible packaging (poly pouch, inner bag and case liner).

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile White Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves have a hand specific shape, 6-mil fingertip thickness and 30.5 cm (12-inch) length with a smooth finish, beaded cuff and textured fingertips and palms. With gamma irradiation to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 they are suitable for aseptic cleanroom applications. Because PUREZERO* HG3 sterile cleanroom gloves are made with an accelerator free nitrile polymer, they are an excellent alternative for workers with latex allergies.

- Recommended for use in ISO Class 3 Cleanrooms or higher

- Maximum Particles > 0.5um/cm^2 less than 950

- AQL 0.65 for pinholes

- Accelerator, Silicone, Latex and Powder Free

- Hand Specific, 30.5 cm (12") Length with Beaded Cuff

- Fingertip Thickness: 0.16 mm / 6 mil and Palm Thickness: 0.13mm / 5 mil

- Max Endotoxin Level less than 20 EU

- Sterility Assurance Level 10-6

- 200 PUREZERO* HG3 SterileWhite Nitrile Hand Specific Pairs/Case (2 gloves/poly wallet & pouch x 20 sealed pouches/bag x 10 bags); Packaged in an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom

- Certificate of Analysis (COA) and Certificate of Irradiation (COI) by production lot available

PUREZERO Sterile White Gloves size 8.5

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile White Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves are designed for critical cleanroom environments such as pharmaceutical and biotechnology cleanroom manufacturing as well as sterile compounding cleanroom applications.

These gloves are clean processed (washed repeatedly in deionized water) to ensure consistent control of low particles, extractables and endotoxin levels, and are recommended for use in ISO Class 3 or higher cleanroom environments.  They are individually pair packaged for aseptic donning (poly wallet and pouch) and have triple layer cleanroom compatible packaging (poly pouch, inner bag and case liner).

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile White Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves have a hand specific shape, 6-mil fingertip thickness and 30.5 cm (12-inch) length with a smooth finish, beaded cuff and textured fingertips and palms. With gamma irradiation to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 they are suitable for aseptic cleanroom applications. Because PUREZERO* HG3 sterile cleanroom gloves are made with an accelerator free nitrile polymer, they are an excellent alternative for workers with latex allergies.

- Recommended for use in ISO Class 3 Cleanrooms or higher

- Maximum Particles > 0.5um/cm^2 less than 950

- AQL 0.65 for pinholes

- Accelerator, Silicone, Latex and Powder Free

- Hand Specific, 30.5 cm (12") Length with Beaded Cuff

- Fingertip Thickness: 0.16 mm / 6 mil and Palm Thickness: 0.13mm / 5 mil

- Max Endotoxin Level less than 20 EU

- Sterility Assurance Level 10-6

- 200 PUREZERO* HG3 SterileWhite Nitrile Hand Specific Pairs/Case (2 gloves/poly wallet & pouch x 20 sealed pouches/bag x 10 bags); Packaged in an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom

- Certificate of Analysis (COA) and Certificate of Irradiation (COI) by production lot available

PUREZERO Sterile White Gloves size 9

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile White Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves are designed for critical cleanroom environments such as pharmaceutical and biotechnology cleanroom manufacturing as well as sterile compounding cleanroom applications.

These gloves are clean processed (washed repeatedly in deionized water) to ensure consistent control of low particles, extractables and endotoxin levels, and are recommended for use in ISO Class 3 or higher cleanroom environments.  They are individually pair packaged for aseptic donning (poly wallet and pouch) and have triple layer cleanroom compatible packaging (poly pouch, inner bag and case liner).

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile White Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves have a hand specific shape, 6-mil fingertip thickness and 30.5 cm (12-inch) length with a smooth finish, beaded cuff and textured fingertips and palms. With gamma irradiation to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 they are suitable for aseptic cleanroom applications. Because PUREZERO* HG3 sterile cleanroom gloves are made with an accelerator free nitrile polymer, they are an excellent alternative for workers with latex allergies.

- Recommended for use in ISO Class 3 Cleanrooms or higher

- Maximum Particles > 0.5um/cm^2 less than 950

- AQL 0.65 for pinholes

- Accelerator, Silicone, Latex and Powder Free

- Hand Specific, 30.5 cm (12") Length with Beaded Cuff

- Fingertip Thickness: 0.16 mm / 6 mil and Palm Thickness: 0.13mm / 5 mil

- Max Endotoxin Level less than 20 EU

- Sterility Assurance Level 10-6

- 200 PUREZERO* HG3 SterileWhite Nitrile Hand Specific Pairs/Case (2 gloves/poly wallet & pouch x 20 sealed pouches/bag x 10 bags); Packaged in an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom

- Certificate of Analysis (COA) and Certificate of Irradiation (COI) by production lot available

PUREZERO Sterile Light Blue Gloves size 10

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves are designed for critical cleanroom environments such as pharmaceutical and biotechnology cleanroom manufacturing as well as sterile compounding cleanroom applications.

These gloves are clean processed (washed repeatedly in deionized water) to ensure consistent control of low particles, extractables and endotoxin levels, and are recommended for use in ISO Class 3 or higher cleanroom environments.  They are individually pair packaged for aseptic donning (poly wallet and pouch) and have triple layer cleanroom compatible packaging (poly pouch, inner bag and case liner).  PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves have a hand specific shape, 4-mil fingertip thickness and 30.5 cm (12-inch) length with a smooth finish, beaded cuff to aid in donning and help prevent roll down and textured fingertips and palms. With gamma irradiation to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 they are suitable for aseptic cleanroom applications.

Because PUREZERO* HG3 sterile cleanroom gloves are made with an accelerator free nitrile polymer, there is a reduced risk of allergies and skin irritation associated with accelerator chemicals in other nitrile gloves.

- Recommended for use in ISO Class 3 cleanroom environments or higher
- Maximum Particles >  0.5um/cm^2 less than 1200
- AQL 0.65 for pinholes
- Accelerator-Free, Silicone-Free, Latex-Free and Powder-Free
- Hand Specific, 30.5 cm (12") Length with Beaded Cuff
- Fingertip Thickness: 0.10 mm/4 mil
- Palm Thickness: 0.08mm/ 3.1 mil
- > 20 EU
- SAL 10-6
- 300 PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Hand Specific Pairs/Case (2 gloves/poly wallet & pouch x 30 sealed pouches/ bag x 10 bags); Packaged in an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom
- Certificate of Analysis (COA) and Certificate of Irradiation (COI) by Production LOT are available


PUREZERO Sterile Light Blue Gloves size 6

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves are designed for critical cleanroom environments such as pharmaceutical and biotechnology cleanroom manufacturing as well as sterile compounding cleanroom applications.

These gloves are clean processed (washed repeatedly in deionized water) to ensure consistent control of low particles, extractables and endotoxin levels, and are recommended for use in ISO Class 3 or higher cleanroom environments.  They are individually pair packaged for aseptic donning (poly wallet and pouch) and have triple layer cleanroom compatible packaging (poly pouch, inner bag and case liner).  PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves have a hand specific shape, 4-mil fingertip thickness and 30.5 cm (12-inch) length with a smooth finish, beaded cuff to aid in donning and help prevent roll down and textured fingertips and palms. With gamma irradiation to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 they are suitable for aseptic cleanroom applications.

Because PUREZERO* HG3 sterile cleanroom gloves are made with an accelerator free nitrile polymer, there is a reduced risk of allergies and skin irritation associated with accelerator chemicals in other nitrile gloves.

- Recommended for use in ISO Class 3 cleanroom environments or higher

- Maximum Particles >  0.5um/cm^2 less than 1200

- AQL 0.65 for pinholes

- Accelerator-Free, Silicone-Free, Latex-Free and Powder-Free

- Hand Specific, 30.5 cm (12") Length with Beaded Cuff

- Fingertip Thickness: 0.10 mm/4 mil

- Palm Thickness: 0.08mm/ 3.1 mil

- > 20 EU

- SAL 10-6

- 300 PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Hand Specific Pairs/Case (2 gloves/poly wallet & pouch x 30 sealed pouches/ bag x 10 bags); Packaged in an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom

- Certificate of Analysis (COA) and Certificate of Irradiation (COI) by Production LOT are available

PUREZERO Sterile Light Blue Gloves size 6.5

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves are designed for critical cleanroom environments such as pharmaceutical and biotechnology cleanroom manufacturing as well as sterile compounding cleanroom applications.

These gloves are clean processed (washed repeatedly in deionized water) to ensure consistent control of low particles, extractables and endotoxin levels, and are recommended for use in ISO Class 3 or higher cleanroom environments.  They are individually pair packaged for aseptic donning (poly wallet and pouch) and have triple layer cleanroom compatible packaging (poly pouch, inner bag and case liner).  PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves have a hand specific shape, 4-mil fingertip thickness and 30.5 cm (12-inch) length with a smooth finish, beaded cuff to aid in donning and help prevent roll down and textured fingertips and palms. With gamma irradiation to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 they are suitable for aseptic cleanroom applications.

Because PUREZERO* HG3 sterile cleanroom gloves are made with an accelerator free nitrile polymer, there is a reduced risk of allergies and skin irritation associated with accelerator chemicals in other nitrile gloves.

- Recommended for use in ISO Class 3 cleanroom environments or higher

- Maximum Particles >  0.5um/cm^2 less than 1200

- AQL 0.65 for pinholes

- Accelerator-Free, Silicone-Free, Latex-Free and Powder-Free

- Hand Specific, 30.5 cm (12") Length with Beaded Cuff

- Fingertip Thickness: 0.10 mm/4 mil

- Palm Thickness: 0.08mm/ 3.1 mil

- > 20 EU

- SAL 10-6

- 300 PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Hand Specific Pairs/Case (2 gloves/poly wallet & pouch x 30 sealed pouches/ bag x 10 bags); Packaged in an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom

- Certificate of Analysis (COA) and Certificate of Irradiation (COI) by Production LOT are available

PUREZERO Sterile Light Blue Gloves size 7

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves are designed for critical cleanroom environments such as pharmaceutical and biotechnology cleanroom manufacturing as well as sterile compounding cleanroom applications.

These gloves are clean processed (washed repeatedly in deionized water) to ensure consistent control of low particles, extractables and endotoxin levels, and are recommended for use in ISO Class 3 or higher cleanroom environments.  They are individually pair packaged for aseptic donning (poly wallet and pouch) and have triple layer cleanroom compatible packaging (poly pouch, inner bag and case liner).  PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves have a hand specific shape, 4-mil fingertip thickness and 30.5 cm (12-inch) length with a smooth finish, beaded cuff to aid in donning and help prevent roll down and textured fingertips and palms. With gamma irradiation to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 they are suitable for aseptic cleanroom applications.

Because PUREZERO* HG3 sterile cleanroom gloves are made with an accelerator free nitrile polymer, there is a reduced risk of allergies and skin irritation associated with accelerator chemicals in other nitrile gloves.

- Recommended for use in ISO Class 3 cleanroom environments or higher

- Maximum Particles >  0.5um/cm^2 less than 1200

- AQL 0.65 for pinholes

- Accelerator-Free, Silicone-Free, Latex-Free and Powder-Free

- Hand Specific, 30.5 cm (12") Length with Beaded Cuff

- Fingertip Thickness: 0.10 mm/4 mil

- Palm Thickness: 0.08mm/ 3.1 mil

- > 20 EU

- SAL 10-6

- 300 PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Hand Specific Pairs/Case (2 gloves/poly wallet & pouch x 30 sealed pouches/ bag x 10 bags); Packaged in an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom

- Certificate of Analysis (COA) and Certificate of Irradiation (COI) by Production LOT are available

PUREZERO Sterile Light Blue Gloves size 7.5

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves are designed for critical cleanroom environments such as pharmaceutical and biotechnology cleanroom manufacturing as well as sterile compounding cleanroom applications.

These gloves are clean processed (washed repeatedly in deionized water) to ensure consistent control of low particles, extractables and endotoxin levels, and are recommended for use in ISO Class 3 or higher cleanroom environments.  They are individually pair packaged for aseptic donning (poly wallet and pouch) and have triple layer cleanroom compatible packaging (poly pouch, inner bag and case liner).  PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves have a hand specific shape, 4-mil fingertip thickness and 30.5 cm (12-inch) length with a smooth finish, beaded cuff to aid in donning and help prevent roll down and textured fingertips and palms. With gamma irradiation to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 they are suitable for aseptic cleanroom applications.

Because PUREZERO* HG3 sterile cleanroom gloves are made with an accelerator free nitrile polymer, there is a reduced risk of allergies and skin irritation associated with accelerator chemicals in other nitrile gloves.

- Recommended for use in ISO Class 3 cleanroom environments or higher

- Maximum Particles >  0.5um/cm^2 less than 1200

- AQL 0.65 for pinholes

- Accelerator-Free, Silicone-Free, Latex-Free and Powder-Free

- Hand Specific, 30.5 cm (12") Length with Beaded Cuff

- Fingertip Thickness: 0.10 mm/4 mil

- Palm Thickness: 0.08mm/ 3.1 mil

- > 20 EU

- SAL 10-6

- 300 PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Hand Specific Pairs/Case (2 gloves/poly wallet & pouch x 30 sealed pouches/ bag x 10 bags); Packaged in an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom

- Certificate of Analysis (COA) and Certificate of Irradiation (COI) by Production LOT are available

PUREZERO Sterile Light Blue Gloves size 8

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves are designed for critical cleanroom environments such as pharmaceutical and biotechnology cleanroom manufacturing as well as sterile compounding cleanroom applications.

These gloves are clean processed (washed repeatedly in deionized water) to ensure consistent control of low particles, extractables and endotoxin levels, and are recommended for use in ISO Class 3 or higher cleanroom environments.  They are individually pair packaged for aseptic donning (poly wallet and pouch) and have triple layer cleanroom compatible packaging (poly pouch, inner bag and case liner).  PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves have a hand specific shape, 4-mil fingertip thickness and 30.5 cm (12-inch) length with a smooth finish, beaded cuff to aid in donning and help prevent roll down and textured fingertips and palms. With gamma irradiation to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 they are suitable for aseptic cleanroom applications.

Because PUREZERO* HG3 sterile cleanroom gloves are made with an accelerator free nitrile polymer, there is a reduced risk of allergies and skin irritation associated with accelerator chemicals in other nitrile gloves.

- Recommended for use in ISO Class 3 cleanroom environments or higher

- Maximum Particles >  0.5um/cm^2 less than 1200

- AQL 0.65 for pinholes

- Accelerator-Free, Silicone-Free, Latex-Free and Powder-Free

- Hand Specific, 30.5 cm (12") Length with Beaded Cuff

- Fingertip Thickness: 0.10 mm/4 mil

- Palm Thickness: 0.08mm/ 3.1 mil

- > 20 EU

- SAL 10-6

- 300 PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Hand Specific Pairs/Case (2 gloves/poly wallet & pouch x 30 sealed pouches/ bag x 10 bags); Packaged in an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom

- Certificate of Analysis (COA) and Certificate of Irradiation (COI) by Production LOT are available

PUREZERO Sterile Light Blue Gloves size 8.5

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves are designed for critical cleanroom environments such as pharmaceutical and biotechnology cleanroom manufacturing as well as sterile compounding cleanroom applications.

These gloves are clean processed (washed repeatedly in deionized water) to ensure consistent control of low particles, extractables and endotoxin levels, and are recommended for use in ISO Class 3 or higher cleanroom environments.  They are individually pair packaged for aseptic donning (poly wallet and pouch) and have triple layer cleanroom compatible packaging (poly pouch, inner bag and case liner).  PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves have a hand specific shape, 4-mil fingertip thickness and 30.5 cm (12-inch) length with a smooth finish, beaded cuff to aid in donning and help prevent roll down and textured fingertips and palms. With gamma irradiation to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 they are suitable for aseptic cleanroom applications.

Because PUREZERO* HG3 sterile cleanroom gloves are made with an accelerator free nitrile polymer, there is a reduced risk of allergies and skin irritation associated with accelerator chemicals in other nitrile gloves.

- Recommended for use in ISO Class 3 cleanroom environments or higher

- Maximum Particles >  0.5um/cm^2 less than 1200

- AQL 0.65 for pinholes

- Accelerator-Free, Silicone-Free, Latex-Free and Powder-Free

- Hand Specific, 30.5 cm (12") Length with Beaded Cuff

- Fingertip Thickness: 0.10 mm/4 mil

- Palm Thickness: 0.08mm/ 3.1 mil

- > 20 EU

- SAL 10-6

- 300 PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Hand Specific Pairs/Case (2 gloves/poly wallet & pouch x 30 sealed pouches/ bag x 10 bags); Packaged in an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom

- Certificate of Analysis (COA) and Certificate of Irradiation (COI) by Production LOT are available

PUREZERO Sterile Light Blue Gloves size 9

PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves are designed for critical cleanroom environments such as pharmaceutical and biotechnology cleanroom manufacturing as well as sterile compounding cleanroom applications.

These gloves are clean processed (washed repeatedly in deionized water) to ensure consistent control of low particles, extractables and endotoxin levels, and are recommended for use in ISO Class 3 or higher cleanroom environments.  They are individually pair packaged for aseptic donning (poly wallet and pouch) and have triple layer cleanroom compatible packaging (poly pouch, inner bag and case liner).  PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Cleanroom Gloves have a hand specific shape, 4-mil fingertip thickness and 30.5 cm (12-inch) length with a smooth finish, beaded cuff to aid in donning and help prevent roll down and textured fingertips and palms. With gamma irradiation to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 they are suitable for aseptic cleanroom applications.

Because PUREZERO* HG3 sterile cleanroom gloves are made with an accelerator free nitrile polymer, there is a reduced risk of allergies and skin irritation associated with accelerator chemicals in other nitrile gloves.

- Recommended for use in ISO Class 3 cleanroom environments or higher

- Maximum Particles >  0.5um/cm^2 less than 1200

- AQL 0.65 for pinholes

- Accelerator-Free, Silicone-Free, Latex-Free and Powder-Free

- Hand Specific, 30.5 cm (12") Length with Beaded Cuff

- Fingertip Thickness: 0.10 mm/4 mil

- Palm Thickness: 0.08mm/ 3.1 mil

- > 20 EU

- SAL 10-6

- 300 PUREZERO* HG3 Sterile Light Blue Nitrile Hand Specific Pairs/Case (2 gloves/poly wallet & pouch x 30 sealed pouches/ bag x 10 bags); Packaged in an ISO Class 5 Cleanroom

- Certificate of Analysis (COA) and Certificate of Irradiation (COI) by Production LOT are available

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