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True Indicating Steam Biological Indicat

Ångsterilisering är en av de mest använda och effektiva metoderna för att sterilisera medicinska instrument, laboratorieverktyg och annan utrustning som kräver desinfektion.

Biologiska indikatorer för ångsterilisering: Säkerställande av effektivitet och säkerhet

Processen innebär att föremål utsätts för högtrycksånga vid förhöjda temperaturer, vanligtvis mellan 121°C och 134°C, för att eliminera mikrobiellt liv. Även om ångsterilisering är mycket effektiv, är det avgörande att verifiera att förhållandena för mikrobiell inaktivering har uppfyllts korrekt. Biologiska indikatorer (BIs) är ett viktigt verktyg för att övervaka och validera effektiviteten i ångsteriliseringsprocesser.

Biologiska indikatorers roll i ångsterilisering

Biologiska indikatorer för ångsterilisering består av bakteriesporer som är mycket resistenta och används för att utvärdera om steriliseringsprocessen framgångsrikt har utrotat alla mikroorganismer. Dessa sporer väljs för sin motståndskraft mot ångsteriliseringsförhållandena, specifikt de höga temperaturerna och trycken som används under cykeln. Närvarande livskraftiga sporer efter exponering för ångsterilisering är en tydlig indikation på att processen misslyckats, medan avsaknaden av tillväxt bekräftar att sterilisationsförhållandena var tillräckliga.

Den vanligaste organismen som används i biologiska indikatorer för ångsterilisering är Geobacillus stearothermophilus, en termofil bakterie känd för sin resistens mot värme och fukt. Användningen av denna organism gör att biologiska indikatorer kan simulera den mest resistenta livsformen som skulle kunna överleva steriliseringsprocessen, vilket ger ett definitivt mått på steriliseringens effektivitet.

Processen för användning av biologiska indikatorer i ångsterilisering

Biologiska indikatorer för ångsterilisering placeras vanligtvis inom eller bredvid de föremål som steriliseras. Dessa indikatorer är utformade för att utsättas för samma förhållanden som föremålen, vilket möjliggör en direkt korrelation mellan steriliseringsprocessen och den mikrobiella inaktivering som uppnåtts. Efter ångsteriliseringscykeln tas den biologiska indikatorn bort och inkuberas för att upptäcka eventuella kvarvarande livskraftiga sporer.

  • Inkubation: Den biologiska indikatorn inkuberas under en specifik period, vanligtvis 24 till 48 timmar. Om ingen mikrobiell tillväxt observeras indikerar det att ångsteriliseringsprocessen var effektiv för att döda bakteriesporerna. Om tillväxt upptäcks innebär det att sterilisationsförhållandena var otillräckliga och att föremålen kanske inte är säkra att använda.

Fördelar med biologiska indikatorer för ångsterilisering

Den största fördelen med biologiska indikatorer för ångsterilisering är deras förmåga att ge ett direkt mått på steriliseringens effektivitet. Till skillnad från kemiska indikatorer, som endast bekräftar exponering för specifika förhållanden såsom temperatur eller tryck, bedömer biologiska indikatorer om ångsteriliseringsprocessen effektivt har inaktiverat mikroorganismer. Detta gör biologiska indikatorer till den mest pålitliga metoden för att validera ångsterilisering.

  • Noggrannhet: Biologiska indikatorer anses vara guldstandarden för övervakning av sterilisering eftersom de direkt testar steriliseringsprocessens förmåga att förstöra mikroorganismer. Deras användning säkerställer att steriliseringscykeln fungerar som avsett, vilket är avgörande i miljöer som sjukhus och laboratorier där sterilitet är av största vikt.
  • Säkerhet: Biologiska indikatorer för ångsterilisering erbjuder en nivå av säkerhetsgaranti som inte kan matchas av kemiska indikatorer. Om ett steriliseringsfel inträffar kan biologiska indikatorer upptäcka det och utlösa omprocessering, vilket förhindrar användning av potentiellt kontaminerad utrustning.
  • Validering: Regelbunden användning av biologiska indikatorer är nödvändig för validering och rutinövervakning av ångsteriliseringscykler. Genom att använda BIs kan steriliseringsprocedurer regelbundet kontrolleras, vilket säkerställer att de konsekvent uppfyller säkerhetsstandarder. Detta är särskilt viktigt när ny steriliseringsutrustning introduceras eller när nya typer av material behandlas.

Begränsningar med biologiska indikatorer för ångsterilisering

Trots sina fördelar har biologiska indikatorer för ångsterilisering vissa begränsningar. En av de största nackdelarna är att de inte ger omedelbar feedback. Inkubationstiden som krävs för att observera mikrobiell tillväxt innebär att biologiska indikatorer endast kan bekräfta steriliseringens effektivitet efter att cykeln har genomförts, vilket kan fördröja korrigerande åtgärder om ett fel uppstår.

Dessutom är biologiska indikatorer dyrare och kräver korrekt hantering och inkubation, vilket kan öka kostnaderna och tiden som krävs för att övervaka ångsterilisering. De kräver också noggrann tolkning av resultat, eftersom falska positiva eller negativa resultat kan inträffa om indikatorerna inte används korrekt.

Sammanfattning biologiska indikatorer för ångsterilisering

Biologiska indikatorer för ångsterilisering är en nödvändig komponent för att säkerställa säkerheten och effektiviteten i ångsteriliseringsprocesser. De erbjuder ett direkt mått på ångsteriliseringens förmåga att eliminera mikrobiellt liv och ger en säkerhetsnivå som kemiska indikatorer inte kan erbjuda. Regelbunden användning av biologiska indikatorer säkerställer att ångsteriliseringsprocessen fungerar korrekt och skyddar både utrustning och patienter. Även om de kräver mer tid och resurser jämfört med kemiska indikatorer, förblir biologiska indikatorer guldstandarden för att validera effektiviteten av ångsterilisering, vilket gör dem oumbärliga i kliniska och laboratoriemiljöer där sterilitet är avgörande.

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Spore Ampoules (Steam low temp) - 106 Bacillus subtillis Cell Line 350

Spore Ampules are SCBIs consisting of a hermetically sealed glass ampule which contains modified Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) with a pH indicator and Geobacillus stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953 or Bacillus subtilis Cell Line 35021 (5230) Spores with a known population and resistance level. The modified TSB will transition from the initial color to yellow and or demonstrate turbidity in the presence of bacterial growth. The Spore Ampules Geobacillus stearothermophilus offer a reduced incubation period of 48 hours and 72 hours for Bacillus subtilis.

Spore Ampules are ideal for monitoring liquid steam sterilization cycles but may also utilized in dry loads. Geobacillus stearothermophilus Spore Ampules may be utilized to monitor steam processes at 121°C to 137°C, whereas Bacillus subtilis Spore Ampules are recommended for monitoring low-temperature steam processes in the range of 110°C to 118°C.

Spore Ampules are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.

Spore Ampule - 10e4 G. stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953, Steam, 1 mL

Spore Ampules are SCBIs consisting of a hermetically sealed glass ampule which contains modified Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) with a pH indicator and Geobacillus stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953 or Bacillus subtilis Cell Line 35021 (5230) Spores with a known population and resistance level. The modified TSB will transition from the initial color to yellow and or demonstrate turbidity in the presence of bacterial growth. The Spore Ampules Geobacillus stearothermophilus offer a reduced incubation period of 48 hours and 72 hours for Bacillus subtilis.

Spore Ampules are ideal for monitoring liquid steam sterilization cycles but may also utilized in dry loads. Geobacillus stearothermophilus Spore Ampules may be utilized to monitor steam processes at 121°C to 137°C, whereas Bacillus subtilis Spore Ampules are recommended for monitoring low-temperature steam processes in the range of 110°C to 118°C.

Spore Ampules are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.

Spore Ampoule - 105, 1 mL, Geobacillus stearothermophilus Cell Line 79

Spore Ampules are SCBIs consisting of a hermetically sealed glass ampule which contains modified Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) with a pH indicator and Geobacillus stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953 or Bacillus subtilis Cell Line 35021 (5230) Spores with a known population and resistance level. The modified TSB will transition from the initial color to yellow and or demonstrate turbidity in the presence of bacterial growth. The Spore Ampules Geobacillus stearothermophilus offer a reduced incubation period of 48 hours and 72 hours for Bacillus subtilis.

Spore Ampules are ideal for monitoring liquid steam sterilization cycles but may also utilized in dry loads. Geobacillus stearothermophilus Spore Ampules may be utilized to monitor steam processes at 121°C to 137°C, whereas Bacillus subtilis Spore Ampules are recommended for monitoring low-temperature steam processes in the range of 110°C to 118°C.

Spore Ampules are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.

Spore Ampoule - 106, 1 mL, Geobacillus stearothermophilus Cell Line 79

Spore Ampules are SCBIs consisting of a hermetically sealed glass ampule which contains modified Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) with a pH indicator and Geobacillus stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953 or Bacillus subtilis Cell Line 35021 (5230) Spores with a known population and resistance level. The modified TSB will transition from the initial color to yellow and or demonstrate turbidity in the presence of bacterial growth. The Spore Ampules Geobacillus stearothermophilus offer a reduced incubation period of 48 hours and 72 hours for Bacillus subtilis.

Spore Ampules are ideal for monitoring liquid steam sterilization cycles but may also utilized in dry loads. Geobacillus stearothermophilus Spore Ampules may be utilized to monitor steam processes at 121°C to 137°C, whereas Bacillus subtilis Spore Ampules are recommended for monitoring low-temperature steam processes in the range of 110°C to 118°C.

Spore Ampules are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.

Spore Ampule - 10e6 + NC G. stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953, Steam,

Spore Ampules are SCBIs consisting of a hermetically sealed glass ampule which contains modified Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) with a pH indicator and Geobacillus stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953 or Bacillus subtilis Cell Line 35021 (5230) Spores with a known population and resistance level. The modified TSB will transition from the initial color to yellow and or demonstrate turbidity in the presence of bacterial growth. The Spore Ampules Geobacillus stearothermophilus offer a reduced incubation period of 48 hours and 72 hours for Bacillus subtilis.

Spore Ampules are ideal for monitoring liquid steam sterilization cycles but may also utilized in dry loads. Geobacillus stearothermophilus Spore Ampules may be utilized to monitor steam processes at 121°C to 137°C, whereas Bacillus subtilis Spore Ampules are recommended for monitoring low-temperature steam processes in the range of 110°C to 118°C.

Spore Ampules are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.

Ampoule - Negative Control, 1 mL, 10/pack

AT-10-NC: Steam, 1 mL, Neg. Control Ampule, 10/Box 

  • Compliant with USP, ISO 11138-1 and ISO 11138-3 

  • Available in two sizes: 1 mL and 0.7 mL Mini Spore Ampules

  • Consistent Ampule to Ampule for Population, Purity and Resistance

  • 24 Month Shelf Life

Mini Spore Ampule - 10e5 , Steam, 0.7 mL0.7 mL

ATM-05 Mini Spore Ampule - 105 Steam

0.7 mL

50/Box + 10 Negative control

  • Compliant with USP, ISO 11138-1 and ISO 11138-3 

  • Available in two sizes: 1 mL and 0.7 mL Mini Spore Ampules

  • Consistent Ampule to Ampule for Population, Purity and Resistance

  • 24 Month Shelf Life

Spore Ampoule - 106, 0.7 mL, Geobacillus stearothermophilus Cell Line

Spore Ampules are SCBIs consisting of a hermetically sealed glass ampule which contains modified Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) with a pH indicator and Geobacillus stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953 or Bacillus subtilis Cell Line 35021 (5230) Spores with a known population and resistance level. The modified TSB will transition from the initial color to yellow and or demonstrate turbidity in the presence of bacterial growth. The Spore Ampules Geobacillus stearothermophilus offer a reduced incubation period of 48 hours and 72 hours for Bacillus subtilis.

Spore Ampules are ideal for monitoring liquid steam sterilization cycles but may also utilized in dry loads. Geobacillus stearothermophilus Spore Ampules may be utilized to monitor steam processes at 121°C to 137°C, whereas Bacillus subtilis Spore Ampules are recommended for monitoring low-temperature steam processes in the range of 110°C to 118°C.

Spore Ampules are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.

Spore Disc - 10e5 G. stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953, Steam, Paper

Spore Discs DT-05 105, 6 mm Bulk, Packs of 100

Compliant with USP, ISO 11138-1 and ISO 11138-3

Spore Disc - 10e6 G. stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953, Steam, Paper

True Indicating Steam Biological Indicators (BIs) and Inoculated Carriers are:

• Compliant with ISO 11138-1 and 11138-3

• Pure high quality Geobacillus stearothermophilus, Cell Line 7953 Spores or Bacillus subtilis Cell Line 35021 (5230) Spores for Low-Temperature Processes

• Consistent quality for Population, Purity and Resistance

The Indicators are designed to provide assurance of effective sterilization after exposure to a steam process. The Indicators may be used to monitor processes from 110°C - 137°C for equipment and process validation or routine monitoring. Use of Bacillus subtilis Spore Strips is recommended for low temperature steam sterilization processes at 110°- 118°C. The Indicators are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.

DT-06, Population: 106, Dimensions: 6 mm, Packaging: Bulk



20 Second Indicator - 10e5, Steam, 13.5 x 52 mm

20 sec Indicator 105 (STEAM)

25 Instant 20s Indiators, 1 Bottle Indiator Solution, 25 Plastic Viewing Cups, 1 Pair Disposable Tweezers

Compliant with USP, ISO 11138-1 and ISO 11138-3

Truly Advanced, Truly Instant - Results in 20 Seconds

Does not require a special reader or incubator

FDA 510k Cleared under K210481

20 Second Indicator + SCBI - 10e5, Steam, 13.5 x 52 mm

20 sec Indicator + SCBI 10^5 (STEAM)

25 Instant 20s Indiators, 1 Bottle Indiator Solution, 25 Plastic Viewing Cups, 1 Pair Disposable Tweezers

Compliant with USP, ISO 11138-1 and ISO 11138-3

Truly Advanced, Truly Instant - Results in 20 Seconds

Does not require a special reader or incubator

FDA 510k Cleared under K210481

20 Second Indicator - 10e6, Steam, 13.5 x 52 mm

ISCS-06 20 Second Indicator 106

25 Instant 20s Indiators, 1 Bottle Indiator Solution, 25 Plastic Viewing Cups, 1 Pair Disposable Tweezers

Compliant with USP, ISO 11138-1 and ISO 11138-3

Truly Advanced, Truly Instant - Results in 20 Seconds

Does not require a special reader or incubator

FDA 510k Cleared under K210481

20 Second Indicator + SCBI - 10e6, Steam, 13.5 x 52 mm

ISCS-06-BI 20 Second Indicator + SCBI - 106

25 Instant 20s Indiators + SCBI, 1 Bottle Indiator Solution, 25 Plastic Viewing Cups, 1 Pair Disposable Tweezers

Compliant with USP, ISO 11138-1 and ISO 11138-3

Truly Advanced, Truly Instant - Results in 20 Seconds

Does not require a special reader or incubator

FDA 510k Cleared under K210481

Mini SCBI - 106 Geobacillus stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953 1x5cm (S

True Indicating Steam SCBIs offer:

  • Compliance with ISO 11138-1 and 11138-3
  • Reduced Incubation Time of 24 Hours
  • Distinct color transition of media from Purple to Yellow when positive for Growth

The SCBIs are designed to provide assurance of effective sterilization after exposure to a steam process. The SCBIs may be used to monitor processes up to 140°C for equipment and process validations and routine monitoring. The self-sealing rigid SCBIs, SCST-05 and SCST-06, offer a better option for extended incubation up to 7 days with less concern of evaporation or color reversion of positive units.

The SCBIs are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.

Mini Strips - 106 Geobacillus stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953 2x10mm

True Indicating Steam Biological Indicators (BIs) and Inoculated Carriers are:

• Compliant with ISO 11138-1 and 11138-3

• Pure high quality Geobacillus stearothermophilus, Cell Line 7953 Spores or Bacillus subtilis Cell Line 35021 (5230) Spores for Low-Temperature Processes

• Consistent quality for Population, Purity and Resistance

The Indicators are designed to provide assurance of effective sterilization after exposure to a steam process. The Indicators may be used to monitor processes from 110°C - 137°C for equipment and process validation or routine monitoring. Use of Bacillus subtilis Spore Strips is recommended for low temperature steam sterilization processes at 110°- 118°C. The Indicators are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.

Mini Spore Strips, Population: 106, Dimension: 2 mm x 10 mm, Packaging: Glassine Envelope



Mini Strips - 106 Geobacillus stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953 2x10mm

True Indicating Steam Biological Indicators (BIs) and Inoculated Carriers are:

• Compliant with ISO 11138-1 and 11138-3

• Pure high quality Geobacillus stearothermophilus, Cell Line 7953 Spores or Bacillus subtilis Cell Line 35021 (5230) Spores for Low-Temperature Processes

• Consistent quality for Population, Purity and Resistance

The Indicators are designed to provide assurance of effective sterilization after exposure to a steam process. The Indicators may be used to monitor processes from 110°C - 137°C for equipment and process validation or routine monitoring. Use of Bacillus subtilis Spore Strips is recommended for low temperature steam sterilization processes at 110°- 118°C. The Indicators are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.

Mini Spore Strips, Population: 106, Dimension: 2 mm x 10 mm, Packaging: Bulk

Spore Strips - 10e5, 10e6 Dual Species G. stearothermophilus Cell Line

The Spore Strips are utilized to monitor Steam sterilization process efficacy at 121°C - 137°C. Spore Strips can be used for equipment and process validation and routine monitoring. The Spore Strips are labeled for laboratory/industrial use only.

Spore Strips - 10e6 Bacillus subtilis Cell Line 35021 (5230), Steam

True Indicating Steam Biological Indicators (BIs) and Inoculated Carriers are:

• Compliant with ISO 11138-1 and 11138-3

• Pure high quality Geobacillus stearothermophilus, Cell Line 7953 Spores or Bacillus subtilis Cell Line 35021 (5230) Spores for Low-Temperature Processes

• Consistent quality for Population, Purity and Resistance

The Indicators are designed to provide assurance of effective sterilization after exposure to a steam process. The Indicators may be used to monitor processes from 110°C - 137°C for equipment and process validation or routine monitoring. Use of Bacillus subtilis Spore Strips is recommended for low temperature steam sterilization processes at 110°- 118°C. The Indicators are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.

Population: 106, Dimensions: 6 mm x 30 mm, Packaging: Glassine Envelope

Large SCBI - 10e5  G. stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953, Steam , 9.5 x

True Indicating Steam SCBIs offer:

  • Compliance with ISO 11138-1 and 11138-3
  • Reduced Incubation Time of 24 Hours
  • Distinct color transition of media from Purple to Yellow when positive for Growth

The SCBIs are designed to provide assurance of effective sterilization after exposure to a steam process. The SCBIs may be used to monitor processes up to 140°C for equipment and process validations and routine monitoring. The self-sealing rigid SCBIs, SCST-05 and SCST-06, offer a better option for extended incubation up to 7 days with less concern of evaporation or color reversion of positive units.

The SCBIs are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.

SCBI - 106 Geobacillus stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953 (Steam) 50/bo

True Indicating Steam SCBIs offer:

  • Compliance with ISO 11138-1 and 11138-3
  • Reduced Incubation Time of 24 Hours
  • Distinct color transition of media from Purple to Yellow when positive for Growth

The SCBIs are designed to provide assurance of effective sterilization after exposure to a steam process. The SCBIs may be used to monitor processes up to 140°C for equipment and process validations and routine monitoring. The self-sealing rigid SCBIs, SCST-05 and SCST-06, offer a better option for extended incubation up to 7 days with less concern of evaporation or color reversion of positive units.

The SCBIs are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.

Spore Strips - G. stearothermophilus 10x5

True Indicating Steam Biological Indicators (BIs) and Inoculated Carriers are:

• Compliant with ISO 11138-1 and 11138-3

• Pure high quality Geobacillus stearothermophilus, Cell Line 7953 Spores or Bacillus subtilis Cell Line 35021 (5230) Spores for Low-Temperature Processes

• Consistent quality for Population, Purity and Resistance

The Indicators are designed to provide assurance of effective sterilization after exposure to a steam process. The Indicators may be used to monitor processes from 110°C - 137°C for equipment and process validation or routine monitoring. Use of Bacillus subtilis Spore Strips is recommended for low temperature steam sterilization processes at 110°- 118°C. The Indicators are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.

Population: 105, Dimension: 6 mm x 30 mm, Packaging: Glassine Envelope

Spore Strips - 106, Geobacillus stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953, 6 x

True Indicating Steam Biological Indicators (BIs) and Inoculated Carriers are:

• Compliant with ISO 11138-1 and 11138-3

• Pure high quality Geobacillus stearothermophilus, Cell Line 7953 Spores or Bacillus subtilis Cell Line 35021 (5230) Spores for Low-Temperature Processes

• Consistent quality for Population, Purity and Resistance

The Indicators are designed to provide assurance of effective sterilization after exposure to a steam process. The Indicators may be used to monitor processes from 110°C - 137°C for equipment and process validation or routine monitoring. Use of Bacillus subtilis Spore Strips is recommended for low temperature steam sterilization processes at 110°- 118°C. The Indicators are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.

Population: 106, Dimension: 6 mm x 30 mm, Packaging: Glassine Envelope

Spore Thread - 10e6 G. stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953, Steam, Cotto

True Indicating Steam Biological Indicators (BIs) and Inoculated Carriers are:

• Compliant with ISO 11138-1 and 11138-3

• Pure high quality Geobacillus stearothermophilus, Cell Line 7953 Spores or Bacillus subtilis Cell Line 35021 (5230) Spores for Low-Temperature Processes

• Consistent quality for Population, Purity and Resistance

The Indicators are designed to provide assurance of effective sterilization after exposure to a steam process. The Indicators may be used to monitor processes from 110°C - 137°C for equipment and process validation or routine monitoring. Use of Bacillus subtilis Spore Strips is recommended for low temperature steam sterilization processes at 110°- 118°C. The Indicators are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.

TT-06, Population: 106, Dimension: 30 mm, Packaging: Glassine


Spore Thread - 10e6 G. stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953, Steam, Cotto

True Indicating Steam Biological Indicators (BIs) and Inoculated Carriers are:

• Compliant with ISO 11138-1 and 11138-3

• Pure high quality Geobacillus stearothermophilus, Cell Line 7953 Spores or Bacillus subtilis Cell Line 35021 (5230) Spores for Low-Temperature Processes

• Consistent quality for Population, Purity and Resistance

The Indicators are designed to provide assurance of effective sterilization after exposure to a steam process. The Indicators may be used to monitor processes from 110°C - 137°C for equipment and process validation or routine monitoring. Use of Bacillus subtilis Spore Strips is recommended for low temperature steam sterilization processes at 110°- 118°C. The Indicators are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.

Population: 106, Dimension: 30 mm, Packaging: Bulk

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