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DuPont Non-Sterile Garments

DuPont™ Tyvek® IsoClean® non sterile (bulk) single-use accessories off er an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort for less demanding environments. Tyvek® IsoClean® (option codes 0B, 00) garments and accessories have not been clean-processed or gamma-irradiated but manufactured in an controlled environment. In addition, they are exceptionally low linting with high particle barrier properties. Tyvek® IsoClean® non sterile accessories are available in a wide variety of styles, such as hoods, gowns, bouff ants, shoe/boot covers and sleeves.

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TYVEK® trousers , Size -XL

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 - byxa -  PT31L0. Storlek XL.



-Bidrar till att skydda processer och produkter mot mänsklig kontaminering.

-Tyvek®-dragkedja och dragkedjeslå ger användare och processer ökat skydd.

-Inre sydda sömmar för bättre processkydd.



Overall med krage. Robust och lätt overall (<180 g per plagg). Resår vid handleder, midja och fotleder. Kil för bättre passform.



Det här plagget är idealiskt för personer som arbetar med läkemedel, medicinteknik, bioteknik och elektronik i milöer där man ställer höga krav på kontrollerad miljö avseende partikelkontaminering och mikrobiologisk kontaminering.


Certifierad enligt förordning (EU) 2016/425 Kemiska skyddskläder, kategori III, 6. EN 1073-2 (skydd mot radioaktiv kontaminering). Antistatisk behandling (EN 1149-5)


Märke / Material Dupont Tyvek® 500
Design Overall med krage, resår
Sömmar Inre sydda sömmar
Färg Vit
Storlek M
Antal/kartong 100 per kartong, individuellt packade.



Trousers available in white and in sizes MD to 2X. Without pockets. Elasticated waist, no elastic at ankles. Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / Material Tyvek® 500
Design Trousers with elasticated waist
Seam Stitched (internal)
Color White
Sizes MD,LG,XL,2X
Quantity/Box 50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 trousers , Size -L

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 - byxa -  PT31L0. Storlek L.



-Bidrar till att skydda processer och produkter mot mänsklig kontaminering.

-Inre sydda sömmar för bättre processkydd.



Byxor, finns i vitt och storlek M till 2XL. Utan fickor. Resår i midjan, ingen resår vid fotlederna. Sydda inre sömmar.



Särskilt designade för användning tillsammans med Tyvek® utrustning. Bidrar till bättre skydd för kroppsdelar

som är mer exponerade för farliga ämnen, eller skydda processer mot kontaminering.


Certifierad enligt förordning (EU) 2016/425 personlig skyddsutrusting, kategori III, 6. Antistatisk behandling (EN 1149-5)


Märke / Material Dupont Tyvek® 500
Design Byxa med resår runt vrist
Sömmar Inre sydda sömmar
Färg Vit
Storlek L
Antal/kartong 50 per kartong, bulk packade.
TYVEK® IsoClean® Gown option 00 Bulk ( Bulk Packed), Size -One Size

DuPont™ Tyvek®IsoClean® Rock – IC 702 S -. Storlek "OneSize".




-Bidrar till att skydda processer och produkter mot mänsklig kontaminering.



Rocken finns i vitt och i storlek SM/MD och LG/2XL. Overlock sömmar. Bandkantad hals med band.

Stickade ärmslut. Bandkantade band från midjans mitt på framsidan. Öppen baktill.




Certifierad enligt förordning (EU) 2016/425 personlig skyddsutrusting, kategori III, PB (6). EN 14126 (skydd mot smittsamma ämnen). Antistatisk behandling (EN 1149-5)


Märke / Material Dupont Tyvek® IsoClean®
Design Rock, öppen baktill, tät framsida.
Sömmar Inre sydda sömmar
Färg Vit
Storlek OneSize
Antal/kartong 30 per kartong, bulk packade.
TYVEK® 500 labcoat , Size -XXL

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Labcoat with press studs and pockets model PL30. Labcoat with collar, available in white and in sizes MD to 2X. 5 press stud closures. 3 pockets. Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / Material Tyvek® 500
DesignLabcoat with 3 pockets
SeamStitched (internal)
Quantity/Box50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 labcoat , Size -XL

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Labcoat with press studs and pockets model PL30. Labcoat with collar, available in white and in sizes MD to 2X. 5 press stud closures. 3 pockets. Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / Material Tyvek® 500
DesignLabcoat with 3 pockets
SeamStitched (internal)
Quantity/Box50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 labcoat , Size -L

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Labcoat with press studs and pockets model PL30. Labcoat with collar, available in white and in sizes MD to 2X. 5 press stud closures. 3 pockets. Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / Material Tyvek® 500
DesignLabcoat with 3 pockets
SeamStitched (internal)
Quantity/Box50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 labcoat , Size -M

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Labcoat with press studs and pockets model PL30. Labcoat with collar, available in white and in sizes MD to 2X. 5 press stud closures. 3 pockets. Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / Material Tyvek® 500
DesignLabcoat with 3 pockets
SeamStitched (internal)
Quantity/Box50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 apron , Size -One Size

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Apron, model PA30L0. Shin-length apron with neck and waist ties. Available in white and in one size (length 108 cm). Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / Material Tyvek® 500
DesignApron with ties
SeamNo seams
Quantity/Box100 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 jacket with hood , Size -XL

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Jacket with hood model PP33. Hooded jacket available in white and in sizes MD to 2X. Zipper closure. Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / MaterialTyvek® 500
Design Jacket with hood
Seam Stitched (internal)
Color White
Sizes MD,LG,XL,2X
Quantity50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 labcoat, Size -L

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Labcoat with press studs model PL30NP. Labcoat with collar, available in white and in sizes MD to 2X. 5 press stud closures. Without pockets. Elasticated cuffs (not tunnelled). Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / Material Tyvek® 500
DesignLabcoat without pockets
SeamStitched (internal)
Quantity/Box50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 sleeve, Size -One Size

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Sleeve model PS32LA. 50 cm long sleeve available in white and in one size. Adjustable arm opening. Stitched internal seams. Upper-arm in blue-coloured thread for identification purposes. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / Material Tyvek® 500
DesignSleeve with elastics
SeamStitched (internal)
Quantity/Box200 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 labcoat , Size -L

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Labcoat with zipper and pockets model PL309. Labcoat with collar, available in white and in sizes SM to 2X. Zipper closure. 2 pockets. Elasticated cuffs (tunnelled). Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / MaterialTyvek® 500
Design Labcoat with 2 pockets, elastics and zipper
Seam Stitched (internal)
Color White
Sizes SM,MD,LG,XL,2X
Quantity50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 labcoat, Size -XL

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Labcoat with press studs model PL30NP. Labcoat with collar, available in white and in sizes MD to 2X. 5 press stud closures. Without pockets. Elasticated cuffs (not tunnelled). Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / MaterialTyvek® 500
Design Labcoat without pockets
Seam Stitched (internal)
Color White
Sizes MD,LG,XL,2X
Quantity50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 labcoat , Size -XL

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Labcoat with zipper and pockets model PL309. Labcoat with collar, available in white and in sizes SM to 2X. Zipper closure. 2 pockets. Elasticated cuffs (tunnelled). Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / MaterialTyvek® 500
Design Labcoat with 2 pockets, elastics and zipper
Seam Stitched (internal)
Color White
Sizes SM,MD,LG,XL,2X
Quantity50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 labcoat , Size -XXL

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Labcoat with zipper and pockets model PL309. Labcoat with collar, available in white and in sizes SM to 2X. Zipper closure. 2 pockets. Elasticated cuffs (tunnelled). Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / MaterialTyvek® 500
Design Labcoat with 2 pockets, elastics and zipper
Seam Stitched (internal)
Color White
Sizes SM,MD,LG,XL,2X
Quantity50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 labcoat, Size -XXL

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Labcoat with press studs model PL30NP. Labcoat with collar, available in white and in sizes MD to 2X. 5 press stud closures. Without pockets. Elasticated cuffs (not tunnelled). Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / MaterialTyvek® 500
Design Labcoat without pockets
Seam Stitched (internal)
Color White
Sizes MD,LG,XL,2X
Quantity50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 labcoat , Size -M

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Labcoat with zipper and pockets model PL309. Labcoat with collar, available in white and in sizes SM to 2X. Zipper closure. 2 pockets. Elasticated cuffs (tunnelled). Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / MaterialTyvek® 500
Design Labcoat with 2 pockets, elastics and zipper
Seam Stitched (internal)
Color White
Sizes SM,MD,LG,XL,2X
Quantity50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 labcoat, Size -M

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Labcoat with press studs model PL30NP. Labcoat with collar, available in white and in sizes MD to 2X. 5 press stud closures. Without pockets. Elasticated cuffs (not tunnelled). Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / MaterialTyvek® 500
Design Labcoat without pockets
Seam Stitched (internal)
Color White
Sizes MD,LG,XL,2X
Quantity50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 labcoat , Size -S

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Labcoat with zipper and pockets model PL309. Labcoat with collar, available in white and in sizes SM to 2X. Zipper closure. 2 pockets. Elasticated cuffs (tunnelled). Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / MaterialTyvek® 500
Design Labcoat with 2 pockets, elastics and zipper
Seam Stitched (internal)
Color White
Sizes SM,MD,LG,XL,2X
Quantity50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 jacket with hood , Size -XXL

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Jacket with hood model PP33. Hooded jacket available in white and in sizes MD to 2X. Zipper closure. Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / MaterialTyvek® 500
Design Jacket with hood
Seam Stitched (internal)
Color White
Sizes MD,LG,XL,2X
Quantity50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 jacket with hood , Size -L

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Jacket with hood model PP33. Hooded jacket available in white and in sizes MD to 2X. Zipper closure. Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / MaterialTyvek® 500
Design Jacket with hood
Seam Stitched (internal)
Color White
Sizes MD,LG,XL,2X
Quantity50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 jacket with hood , Size -M

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Jacket with hood model PP33. Hooded jacket available in white and in sizes MD to 2X. Zipper closure. Stitched internal seams. Specially designed for use with Tyvek® apparel, Tyvek® accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tyvek® garments and accessories are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene, providing an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort. Tyvek® is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It offers an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres (down to 1 micron in size), is ultra-low-linting and antistatically treated. Silicon non-added. Applications include: pharmaceutical handling, chemical protection, lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting and general clean-up, amongst many others. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [6-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on both sides; see footnotes

Fabric / MaterialTyvek® 500
Design Jacket with hood
Seam Stitched (internal)
Color White
Sizes MD,LG,XL,2X
Quantity50 per box, bulk packed.
TYVEK® 500 trousers , Size -XXL

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 - byxa -  PT31L0. Storlek XXL.



-Bidrar till att skydda processer och produkter mot mänsklig kontaminering.

-Inre sydda sömmar för bättre processkydd.



Byxor, finns i vitt och storlek M till 2XL. Utan fickor. Resår i midjan, ingen resår vid fotlederna. Sydda inre sömmar.



Särskilt designade för användning tillsammans med Tyvek® utrustning. Bidrar till bättre skydd för kroppsdelar

som är mer exponerade för farliga ämnen, eller skydda processer mot kontaminering.


Certifierad enligt förordning (EU) 2016/425 personlig skyddsutrusting, kategori III, 6. Antistatisk behandling (EN 1149-5)


Märke / Material Dupont Tyvek® 500
Design Byxa med resår runt vrist
Sömmar Inre sydda sömmar
Färg Vit
Storlek XXL
Antal/kartong 50 per kartong, bulk packade.
TYVEK® 500 trousers , Size -M

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 - byxa -  PT31L0. Storlek M.



-Bidrar till att skydda processer och produkter mot mänsklig kontaminering.

-Inre sydda sömmar för bättre processkydd.



Byxor, finns i vitt och storlek M till 2XL. Utan fickor. Resår i midjan, ingen resår vid fotlederna. Sydda inre sömmar.



Särskilt designade för användning tillsammans med Tyvek® utrustning. Bidrar till bättre skydd för kroppsdelar

som är mer exponerade för farliga ämnen, eller skydda processer mot kontaminering.


Certifierad enligt förordning (EU) 2016/425 personlig skyddsutrusting, kategori III, 6. Antistatisk behandling (EN 1149-5)


Märke / Material Dupont Tyvek® 500
Design Byxa med resår runt vrist
Sömmar Inre sydda sömmar
Färg Vit
Storlek M
Antal/kartong 50 per kartong, bulk packade.
TYCHEM® C Sleeve, Size -One size

DuPont™ Tychem® 2000 C Sleeve model PS32LA. 50 cm long and with wide elastics at cuffs and upper arm. Available in yellow and in one size. Specially designed for use with Tychem® apparel, Tychem® Accessories can help offer enhanced protection for body parts that are more exposed to hazardous substances. Tychem® 2000 C garments and accessories utilise the strength of Tyvek® and a polymeric barrier coating to offer good permeation barrier protection against a wide range of inorganic chemicals and biological hazards (even under pressure). Tychem® 2000 C is used for splash or pressurised splash protection in a variety of industrial environments, including pulp and paper manufacturing, food processing, chemical processing and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Certified according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Partial body chemical protective clothing, Category III, Type PB [3-B] EN 14126 (barrier to infective agents) Antistatic treatment (EN 1149-1) - on inside; see footnotes Stitched and over-taped seams with barrier tape for protection and strength

Fabric / MaterialTychem® 2000 C
Design Sleeve with elastics
Seam Stitched and over-taped
Color Yellow
Sizes 00
Quantity50 per box, bulk packed.
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