Spore Ampules are SCBIs consisting of a hermetically sealed glass ampule which contains modified Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) with a pH indicator and Geobacillus stearothermophilus Cell Line 7953 or Bacillus subtilis Cell Line 35021 (5230) Spores with a known population and resistance level. The modified TSB will transition from the initial color to yellow and or demonstrate turbidity in the presence of bacterial growth. The Spore Ampules Geobacillus stearothermophilus offer a reduced incubation period of 48 hours and 72 hours for Bacillus subtilis.
Spore Ampules are ideal for monitoring liquid steam sterilization cycles but may also utilized in dry loads. Geobacillus stearothermophilus Spore Ampules may be utilized to monitor steam processes at 121°C to 137°C, whereas Bacillus subtilis Spore Ampules are recommended for monitoring low-temperature steam processes in the range of 110°C to 118°C.
Spore Ampules are labeled for laboratory or industrial use only.