MSRV Medium, 500 ml in Plasma bottle 500 ml, septum/closed silver screw cap.
Also known as: Modified Semisolid Rappaport-Vassiliadis medium
Intended use: A semi-solid medium for the rapid detection of motile Salmonella from food and environmental samples.
Typical formula (g/l)*: Enzymatic digest of animal and plant tissue 4.6; Acid hydrolysed casein 4.6; Sodium chloride 7.3; Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1.5; Magnesium chloride 10.9; Malachite green 0.037; Agar 2.7; Novobiocin 0.01
Formula conform: PVE, ISO 6579
Interpretation: A grey-white zone of growth around the inoculation spot indicates that Salmonella may be present. For confirmation, inoculate selective Salmonella media with material from the edge of the zone.
* Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria