10 ml in vial 20 ml, grey septum/open felscap.
Also known as: Fluid thioglycollate medium
Intended use: A medium for sterility testing and the cultivation of anaerobic and aerobic organisms.
Typical formula (g/l)*: L-Cystine 0.5; Agar 0.75; Sodium chloride 2.5; Glucose monohydrate 5.5; Yeast extract 5.0; Pancreatic digest of casein 15.0; Sodium thioglycollate 0.5; Resazurin sodium 0.001
Formula conform: latest version EP/USP, ISO 7937
Interpretation: Growth in the medium is indicated by turbidity compared to an uninoculated control. Subculture to appropriate media for identification. Obligate anaerobes will grow only in that portion of the broth below the oxidized (pink-red) top layer.
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria